Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Little October Drive

There's that chill in the air. Not the friendly one that says here have a refreshing breeze but the mean one that says I'm coming for your nose and your fingers and your toes. The one that's called Winter.

We decided that it was now or never for a drive up to the canyon to see the leaves! Pumpkin carving could wait for another day. So we hopped in the car and drove up Spanish Fork canyon to a spot by the river.

I let Tayler do his thing, taking shots and close ups of foliage and birds nests and stuff. I sat in a tree. Where it was surprisingly warmer. 

a few pics from the adventure:

 It was a great little road trip. (We call it a "road trip" so we feel justified in buying the $10 jerky pack.) Really it was only a 15 minute drive. But it was lovely way to say kiss kiss fall. Its been real.

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